All parents wanting to apply for a place for a child at Blackburn Primary School are warmly invited to tour the school.
During your tour we will tell you everything you need to know about the school and answer your questions. At the end of the tour we will cover all the information you need to know about how to apply for a place at Blackburn Primary School.
To book a school tour please fill out the form below.
You can visit the site below to arrange admission:
Are you interested in joining the Blackburn family?
Blackburn Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes all learners regardless of race, gender, and ethnicity or religion, stage of English learning, ability, special educational needs or impairments.
Blackburn is a single form entry with a maximum class size of 30 children in Reception. Our aim is to retain our ‘small school feeling’, deeply rooted in the local community.
When to apply for a Reception place at Rotherham primary schools
Children join our primary school in September of the school year in which they are five – so, for entry in September 2023, this applies to children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019.
The closing date for applications for a Reception class place at a primary school in the 2024/25 academic year is midnight on 15th January 2024.
Missing the 15th January deadline could reduce your chance of getting a place at Blackburn as your preferred choice so we recommend applying before the deadline.
To apply for a place at Blackburn Primary School please click the following link.
The Schools admissions policy can be found on the policies page. or calling 01709 740412.
Please note that Blackburn Primary School, as with all other controlled schools, does not have the authority to grant a place at the school directly.
Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery)
We have a Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) facility at the school. This provides a high quality start to school life for three terms, normally starting in the Autumn Term one year before entry to Reception.
At Blackburn Primary School we aim to make this introduction to school an enjoyable experience, which is shared by the parent and child. The induction process is bespoke to the child and you. If you want to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email: or calling 01709 740412.
‘In Year’ admissions at Blackburn Primary School
For admissions at any other time please telephone or visit the school office to see whether we have any available places.
An ‘In-Year’ application is any application for a school place outside of the usual application time. In other words, for a primary school, any time other than first joining Reception.
If you would like to apply for a place in either:
- Years 1-6 at the school; or
- Reception after the school has started in September;
then your application is considered an ‘In-Year application.
As a Local Authority school all 'In-Year' applications should be done through the Local Authority via this link.
Transfer to Secondary Education
- Children usually transfer, at the end of Y6, to either Winterhill or Wingfield School. Some parents request alternative provision due to personal circumstances.
- Full information is passed to families, from RMBC, during the Autumn Term through a booklet entitled “Admission to Secondary Education”.
- The school is a partner, with Winterhill and Wingfield Schools, in a full year induction programme, with children visiting the Schools, staff working in Blackburn and, in the Summer Term, full induction days take place at both Winterhill and Wingfield.
- Blackburn School employs a learning mentor, Mrs. J. Burley, who undertakes a transition mentoring role for children in Y6 who may encounter difficulties in making the transfer to Key Stage 3.
If you need any additional information or assistance applying for a place at Blackburn, do not hesitate to contact the school office:
Contact: Claire Allen
Tel: 01709 740412